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How Do You Keep You from Success?
What has kept you from success in your profession, in your calling, in accomplishing your God-given purpose in life? What do you need to...

Volunteering Is Time Well Spent
Volunteering is time well spent for the heart, mind, body, and soul. But almost half of Americans, when asked about volunteering, say...

How to Be Born Again Every Morning
I'm suggesting every time you wake up in the morning, or at night if you work the night shift, you have a brand new day on which to focus.

Could You Benefit from Christian Life Coaching?
We all go through transitions in life, especially in the midlife years of 45 and beyond.

How to Embrace Challenges of Change
Regardless of a change being positive or negative, adjusting to the new realities can be challenging.

How to Find Your Life Purpose on Purpose
Many people go about their lives haphazardly living from day to day without having a clue about what God wants them to accomplish.

How to Start Over When Life Gets in the Way
Starting over is a matter of looking forward, not backwards on what you’ve done or what happened.

"I'm Living the Dream." (Really?)
The work you do can be a great source of joy if approached with a joyful spirit. Obediently offer up an honest day’s work to the Lord.

How to Scrapbook Your Future
God gives us hopes and dreams that reflect the future he has planned for us. Ask the Holy Spirit to be a lamp when scrapbooking.

If You Ask to Be Used, Be Ready to Be Used
When you ask God to use you as he wills, be ready to be used when the Lord Jesus tugs at your heartstrings, and the Spirit “nudges” you.

If You Have a Niche, Scratch It
When you discover your niche in your personal or work life, something exciting happens. You feel good about life.

Thank God for His GPS
Good thing we have God’s GPS to help us in our Christian walk, God’s Positioning System or God’s Purposing System.

Your Career: Love It or Leave It?
You can change your career or job, or you can make changes in your current job or career that will help you stay where you are.

How to Make Failure Your Friend
The question is not if failure will happen, it is a matter of how we react to it when it comes. Will we see it as an enemy or as a friend?

How to Think Outside Your Box
In reality, thinking outside the box is ultimately thinking outside our personal box, outside our mindset at the time.
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