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Hospice: Still a Misunderstood Blessing
I've worked as a spiritual care and bereavement coordinator in hospice for over eight years, and find it amazing this healthcare service...
Making Powerful Spiritual Pit Stops
I used to wonder how anyone could enjoy watching race cars go round, and round, and round, with an occasional crash. Then I watched a...
Hug Each Day as Hugging a Loved One
We often hear how it's important to hug a loved one each day, because we never know what the next day will bring. Tragedy and loss could...
Are You a Good Lighthouse Wickie?
When thinking about yourself as someone who wants to be a shining light who bring others to Christ, and show them where they can be safe...
How to Be Born Again Every Morning
I'm suggesting every time you wake up in the morning, or at night if you work the night shift, you have a brand new day on which to focus.
10 Tips for Talking to a Loved One with Alzheimer's and Dementia
Tips for enhancing your life with your loved one who has Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
How to Embrace Challenges of Change
Regardless of a change being positive or negative, adjusting to the new realities can be challenging.
12 Tips to Help You Find the Right Diet
Finding the right diet most appropriate for your needs and lifestyle will increase chances for long-term success, and not a short-term fix.
How to Overcome Addiction to Failure
Ironically, when the person addicted to failure fails, their anxiety over succeeding is relieved.
How to Supernatural-Size Your Life
As we deepen our relationship with God, the God of unfathomable glory, we open ourselves to his anointing to accomplish his purposes
You Can't Say They Didn't Warn You
There is a balance between our mental and emotional states when our overall psychological well-being is at its optimum.
Why We Hit the Pause Button
The importance of pauses in communication and relationships, and the importance of taking time to pause in your spiritual life.
L.U.I. Living Under God's Influence
If you’re a Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you have the choice of being under the influence of the Spirit.
Ready to Enjoy a Breakfast of Christians?
The same applies to your spiritual health and vitality. Before you start your busy day, spend time at the table of Christians
How to Ignore the Voice of Shame
Shame has a voice. It’s a critical voice telling us we are no good, inferior, and unworthy of respect.
How to Face Crisis, a Life-Changing Experience
In life, our experiences do affect the way we react. And the way we react does affect the way we experience.
What Are Termite Thoughts, The Silent Destroyers?
In a similar way, negative thoughts can burrow into our thinking and infect our emotions undetected until it’s too late.
How to Avoid Poison Ivy People
To avoid infection, make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive and productive people, and remain positive and productive you
How to Empty Your Shopping Bag of Guilt
Even though guilt is an indication of emotional distress, it can be a valuable emotion if dealt with in a timely manner.
Perfection: An Impossible Dream?
Pursuing the impossible goal of perfection is a positive thing, but when it crosses the line into perfectionism, it can get us into trouble.
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