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Hug Each Day as Hugging a Loved One

Writer's picture: Gary GoerkGary Goerk

We often hear how it's important to hug a loved one each day, because we never know what the next day will bring. Tragedy and loss could be waiting around the corner from midnight to steal away someone close to us, someone we will never hug again, at least not on this earth.

I think it's important we approach every day of our lives the same way. I suggest we hug each day like we would hug a loved one, because the future awaits around the corner from midnight to steal away another day of our lives, with no intention of returning it.

How can you hug each day of your life, a day you'll never see again, except perhaps in the rearview mirrors of memories, scrapbooks, and videos? Here are 10 suggestions.

  1. Plan your day to make the most of it. When you plan your day, you'll be more productive in making better use of your time in accomplishing what you seek to do, .

  2. When planning, leave the door open to embrace the unexpected. Be open to both the big and small unexpected moments that could make your day exciting and unique.

  3. Be in the present. If you're thinking about the past and looking ahead to the future, you'll miss opportunities. Let go of a negative past that robs you of enjoyment.

  4. Embrace opportunities. Once you identify and qualify an opportunity in your personal life, your work and career, or in the area of service, enthusiastically seize it.

  5. Learn something new. Try to learn something new each day. Expand your intellectual horizon and experience the satisfaction of learning about the world around you.

  6. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. As you would for a loved one, live your life in a way that helps you feel alert and ready to enjoy each day, avoiding illness that saps your energy.

  7. Be selective in the media you listen to and watch, including social media. Avoid idle and negative talk that distracts you and fills your head with negativity.

  8. Follow your intuition, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Overthinking things during your day can slow down your momentum in being productive an enjoying your day.

  9. Hug yourself a bit. Set aside time for yourself. Seek quiet times to be with yourself and the Lord. Even a few minutes will help you chill out, lighten up, and refresh yourself.

  10. Find ways to serve others. When your day includes helping others, especially God's hurting people, it's a given, you will receive far more that what you give.

Start, live, and end your day with the Lord your God, in whatever way works for you. After all, every day is a the Lord has made just for you. Be thankful. Every day on this earth is a gift from God. Show your gratitude by living each day to the max, giving all the praise and thanksgiving to your creator.

In God's Words

"The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad." (Psalm 118:24)

"This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot." (Ecclesiastes 5:18)

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17)

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." (James 4:14)

Also read: Proverbs 17:22, Nehemiah 8:10, Philippians 4:14

In the Words of Others

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.” Hans Christian Anderson

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of you life." Mark Twain

In Your Words

  • Have you ever thought about hugging your day as you would loved ones? Equate how important it is to hug your loved ones with embracing each day the Lord has given you.

  • How have you been able to make the most of each day? Are any of suggestions similar to what you do on a normal day? Describe how.

  • Do you consider every day a gift from God? If yes, how do you show your appreciation for his generosity? If no, will you think differently going forward?


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